1 Million EVs on UK Roads & Your Ultimate Guide to Driving EV
Hello and welcome back to Take It EV, the podcast where we charge through the world
of electric vehicles. Hi this is Greg, this is episode 49 of Take It EV, 49. So
today's episode is electric in more way than one. We've just hit over 1 million
EVs on the roads in the UK as of March 2024. That's right, we're in the
millions now, boy. It's a milestone that sparks a lot of excitement and shows the
bright future of EVs. So buckle up as we drive into what this means for you
and others, whether you're a seasoned EV driver or just a starting and or you
think about getting into the driver's seat of an electric vehicle. So let's
get on with it, so to say. Here, 1 million. Who would have thought, right?
When I got my first EV in 2016, sorry 2016, there were quite few of us.
I still remember people asking me like, are you sure you're getting an EV?
You had a pretty good diesel car, powerful beauvoir, why would you get
yourself a pitly little Nissan Leaf? But I just loved it, I fell in love
with it the moment I took off the the Eco mode and pressed my foot on the
accelerator. What got you into your EV? If you're a new EV owner, welcome
first of all, welcome to the still pretty elite club. But you know, I would
love to know like what got you over the threshold. Just write to me at
takeitev@gmail.com, just drop me a line. I love hearing from people or
MasterDon and all the other places where you can find me, just type in
takeitev and you'll see where I am. Yeah, 1 million, right? So I thought, why not
just have an episode where we kind of go through things that I would give you as
an advice, you know, we're all friends here. You'd be like, oh yeah, I've got a
I've got a new EV or I want to get an EV. What should I do? Like what is the
what is the stuff that I need to be aware of? You know, despite of everything
you hear in the news. What do you need to do to kind of make yourself
comfortable? Right? I mean, first of all, it is just a car. So you know, let's just
get out of that out of the way. It just drives out like a car. But here's, I'm
gonna try saying there's gonna be 10 things that you probably are not gonna
hear from other media. Even the big, you know, podcasters or YouTubers that talk
about electric cars, they generally avoid this stuff or some of the ways I like to
put things, but you know, we're friends here so I'm gonna talk to you like a
friend. So after the break, let's just say the tips for new EV owners.
By the way, if you hear, you know, T.P. Tapi noise in the background, that's the
the techie TV co-host Snowy. Doesn't bark much, but he's an oldie and he likes to
T.P. Tapi and my wife's just out of the house so he is trying to find her little
boy. He's 15 years old and he's just the cutest. The photos are on Instagram if
you're curious. Anyway, back to the show. So before I actually get to the, you
know, the tips for new EV owners or drivers, let's just talk about, you know,
hitting the first, the one million, sorry, not even the first, I hope it's the first,
but the one million in the UK. I think it's a powerful statement that the UK is
just plugging into the future, you know, a little bit more than we were hoping and
or let me reinstate that. I'm not gonna prerecord this. It's way better than I
thought. Should have come sooner, I think. You know, we were kind of all hoping that
2020 is gonna be the year of EVs, but then something's happened, right? And
things got kind of slowed down and there was a shortage of chips and whatever. The
world kind of stopped for a bit and, you know, we had a holiday, let's
always say, as far as the growth of things like EVs. In many ways it was a
great time for the planet because the pollution was actually on the pretty low
for a few months or even a year or so, but it did impact things like the
transitioning to the greener and cleaner transportation to steal
Niki's from transport-involved introduction. But I think it's still
amazing that, you know, 2024 in the UK sees the one million. That's a huge
number. I remember, you know, for the first few years of owning EV we would be
like cheering every time we saw an EV driving past or overtaking one. And now,
you know, I can just go down to the shops, 10-minute drive into town and I'll see
dozens of them. So how things have changed, right? Not to mention the
amazing growth of the rapid network or rapid charging network around the
country. It used to be sufficient for, you know, small trips where you had to plan
them very carefully, but now you can't go 10 miles in this country without
actually seeing an EV charger. And it's even better in Western Europe, I think, so
you know, not too bad. I think this shifts, you know, this kind of signals the shift
towards the sustainable transportation and it just shows us that this isn't just
a phase regardless of, you know, how the current government is trying to
steer us off this target lately. You know, I think we're pretty good. And it
is a new reality, so I think it's a clean and clear indication that the EV
market is charging ahead and we're all here for the ride. And by the way,
Norway, right, you heard of this little country, they're on the track to have, for
the number of EVs on the road to surpass the ICE vehicles and that's just pure EVs,
not hybrids. So this is just what we call "Chin-Nor-Wei" on the cake. That was
terrible. Apologies for that. Anyway, the 10 or, you know, the things you
should do or the suggestions or things you, I think, you need to know when you're
new to EV or I would like to, every EV owner, new EV owner to kind of keep in
mind or be aware of, and this actually sounds scary, but things you should do
when you're an EV owner that will make your life way easier, I think, after this
So first of all, you know, if you're entering the world of EVs, if
you're new to this, it might feel daunting. Like, not a day goes by when I
hear on the forum, you know, I've got myself a new shiny EV, what should I do?
What, you know, what should I read? Like, what should I be aware of? What's the
cool stuff that I need to do? So the first thing I always tell people, it's
just like I said before, it is just a car. It's, you know, it's surprising, it
surprised me how many people when we got the Nissan LEAF saw it for the first
time in the flash and actually got in as a passenger and they were like, "Oh yeah,
it's actually a solid car." I guess everybody was expecting, I don't know, a
Flintstones car or, you know, a little tinny shell and they're quite surprised
that it's a solidly built car. So yeah, EVs are just cars. I know, it's a
surprise, but you'd be surprised how many people think differently.
Maybe not these days, but it used to be a thing. So the first thing when
you get an EV that I would like for you to do is get yourself familiar
with charging. And this might sound silly, but you know, it's a shift from
the way the society has been kind of taught how to operate with automobiles.
Sorry, I just seem to trigger my Apple Watch. Again, I'm not gonna edit this
episode. So this just goes in. Anyway, where was I? So charging. It's an
interesting one because you hear a lot of bad things on the news and
so on, but judging is not really that difficult or scary. I think what
happens most of the time is that people are caught off guard when they
go further afield. So it's all great. It's all happy when you're
in the routine, when you're just driving around the town and you plug in at
home. But when you go further afield and you feel like the lead
basically has extended too far, it might be a bit daunting. So the thing that I
always kind of suggest to people is simulate that sort of thing
minus the panic. Just go around your town or your city, find yourself all the
rapid charges that you have in the area and just use them. It might be, you know, a
bit of an expenditure, but I think it should put you at ease. Or at least, you
know, I think it beats sitting at home and just watching the telly or
scrolling the, you know, Instagrams or whatever. I think it's a bit more
entertainment. And let's face it, you got yourself a new toy, right? It's the
reason why we buy new things in life is we want this adrenaline, we want
this, you know, the new shiny excitement in our life. And this is just an
extension of it. You know, I think discovering new things in life is
what the life is all about. So I would suggest embracing it. And who knows, you
might actually come across somebody like myself or other, you know, a seasoned
EV owner at the charger. And if you have any problems, you can always chat to
somebody. It's amazing. Again, just kind of reminiscing the old times. When we
got ourselves in a sunleaf in 2016, I would drive around, you know, because it
would be usually me charging or driving on long distance trips. And I remember
just talking to pretty much every second driver that we would come across at the
charger, you know, you're going to be there for a good 15, 20, 30 minutes. So you
might as well just have a chat, especially when it's warm outside. And
people were kind of a bit more friendly and open to have discussion. Not everybody,
of course, because it's just a human nature. You don't always want to talk to
other people. But quite often, you know, a chat would ensue. And people would
complain about how terrible the cultural city network is and, and so on. And it's
amazing how things have changed. So yeah, go out and basically test the charging.
You know,
you're about two weeks ago, I went to my local Costa coffee, and there's an
Osprey charger or chargers, there's Osprey chargers at the retail park. And
a guy turned up in a Renault, whatever one of those new electric reno's. And he
was kind of looking around and you know, trying to see what's going on. He
actually chatted me up, he said, Oh, yeah, how do you do this? And I showed him,
you know, that you can use contactless, but you can do it, do this with the app
and you know, and all that. But you don't have to have an app, you can just use
contactless if you if you so want. And he was very, very grateful. And he said, Oh,
yeah, this is the second day of my ownership of this car. And I don't have
the home charger yet. So I thought, you know, I'll just come around and check
out this this charger. And I thought, that's a, you know, this amazing job,
like you'd be surprised how many people don't even try to to rapid charge the
car, like to test it's basically just to see what it's like. Because when you're
in a pinch, when you're on the trip, or when you you know, when the other
charger you tried didn't work, it's good to have this confidence that you've
already done this and this isn't new to you. And by the way, the first thing I
would like to like you to check, especially if you have an Audi, I think,
I think it's the Audi is to find the CCS port, the full, the full port, not just
the one that you use at home. This is one of those things that you sometimes
feed people turning up at the charges and they, they pick up the the cable,
the CCS cable, and they look they open the port on the car and they look at
the cable, look at the port, look at the cable, look at the port and they're like,
this doesn't match. There's usually like a little flippy, flappy thing at the
bottom that you need to open up as well. So I think that's number one, just get
familiar with the not just a home charger, but rapid charging and
destination charging is the other one, you know, take the cable out. If your
town has a, has a bunch of destination charges, I think this night,
destination charging is something that's underrated. And especially on long
trips, you might be surprised how useful it is to be able to just plug in the car,
leave it overnight and wake up with the full battery and not have to go to a
rapid charger on your holidays. So charging, check it out.
Second thing on my list is
finding your route, finding a way, you know, navigating the world of EVs, like
entering the EV world, you know, is a bit like navigating a new city without a map.
You don't, you don't let that turn you off. But once you get your bearings, it's
smooth and enjoyable, right? Right. So you need to understand your range. So, you
know, how far your car can go. But also things like
you, even though your car might have a range, say of 200 miles on the, on the
full charge, you're never going to drive 200 miles from, you know, 100% to zero,
just like an ICE car or any other vehicle. You're, you're not going to put yourself
in a position where you're, you can't really go any further. And the estimated
range of your car varies, right? The, what the manufacturer tells you is usually
quite a, quite a blunt lie, just a marketing, you know, thing. So I would
just throw that out of the window and just find out what is your, the real
range of your car, because it obviously depends on where you live on the
terrain, you know, obviously you're gonna, you're gonna use more power when you
drive up the hill, right? That's just physics. There's no getting around it.
But also being able to see, okay, say your car has 200 miles range, that's quite
a reasonable assumption these days, but it might be that has 160 miles of range,
whatever it is. Just think about that's 100%. So what is it going to be at 80%?
Right? Just take that figure, plop it in the calculator and multiply it by 0.8,
or not 0.8, as we would say. But I'm just, you know, I'm trying to make this
friendly for international audience. That's going to be your figure, right?
So that's your 80% figure. And now assume your car is not going to be, you don't
want to drive your car down to 0%. It's just not going to be fun for anybody.
You're gonna have to call, you know, somebody to tell you, essentially, that's
not, that's not fun. So whatever that figure is, basically now say, okay, I
want to be left with, say, no more than, or no less than 15%. So figure out what
the 15% is. Do the maths. So, you know, again, 200 times 15% will be not 0.15,
right? Subtract that figure from the previous one, or just do, you know, 65% or
60% of that figure. That's going to be your comfortable, long range driving range.
And that's something nobody tells you, but that's just the reality of it. Like
when I, when I started driving EVs, or necessarily in theory, could do 105 miles,
even though the manufacturer was saying 130 or something silly like that, there's
no way that car could have done that ever, unless you just drive down the hill
every time and then you put it on the train back up the other road. So even,
even that figure, even say 90 miles, that takes way, way longer than you think to
drive. You know, say if you're driving on the motorway and the speed limit is 70
miles an hour, you're not going to be driving 70 miles an hour average speed.
That's just, there's just no way that's not going to happen ever. Even if you're
driving in the middle of the road, trust me, that's just not, that's just not the
way the real world works. So it takes, you know, say the figure comes out 130,
140 miles, that's your comfortable range. That is going to be quite a few hours of
driving on the, on the road. And that's going to be the figure you actually,
you're interested in. And now, you know, put your favorite destination, your
holiday destination, or your like, this is the furthest I want to go. Be
excitable, just try, try going somewhere and see how far you can go and how many
times you would have to stop along the way to charge. So basically, you know, if
you say you want to go from London to Edinburgh, however, mile that is, however
many miles that is, sorry, divide that by the range you got out of your
confuser. And this is how many times likely we'll have to stop along the way.
These days is actually quite easy to find charges, you have to go, you know, to
a place like ZapMap or, or if you're outside of the UK, PlugShare. They're very
good maps that actually show you where the charging points are. There might be a
different place or different website in your country. These days, Apple Maps and
Google Maps actually will show you charging points as well. So that's very
useful. I don't think it's easy to find it in using a navigation, but you know,
at least you might be able to spot them. You might be able to say, okay, in, in
this town or the city, I want to see all the nearby electric vehicle charging
points. And it will show you on the map, which is very, very useful. So, you know,
plot those trips on your couch in the comfort of your home. And who knows, you
might be like me and you might say one day, well, I'm actually bored this
weekend. Let's just go and drive to Edinburgh. You know, when I, when I got
my Nissan LEAF with the poor range that it had on one of the long weekends, I
think it was in May, in May, I can't remember exactly. I decided to just drive
from London to Edinburgh, Glasgow and back because, you know, stayed overnight
in a couple of places. And it was fun. And there were some hairy moments
because obviously the car had a very small range and there wasn't as many
chargers out there. I mean, I remember Scotland was actually pretty good
because the charging was free. Actually, now that I remember the
electricity charges were actually free as well. At that time, those were the
days, right? They, but it was fun. It was, it was a challenge that, you know,
I kind of, once I did that, I, I was like, okay, well, I got this, you know,
even if I am going to be in a pinch, I will, I'm kind of confident that I can
do this. Right. And wherever I went, I actually looked around for the local
charges because again, the car had a 90 something mile range. So you have to be,
you have to be a bit more prolific about finding the charges nowadays with a
E-Niro that we have, that car can do 250 miles on the charge. There is no
hesitation. I find myself going to places like Yorkshire. I live in
Tumbridge in the UK in Kent, Yorkshire, you know, say four and a half hours
driving five if you're, if you're driving slow and carefully. I have no
hesitation sometimes to go to a meetup or to, you know, to see friends over
there just because I want to. And the, and I have to stop once or twice along
the way. And it's mostly because five, four or five hours that no, that
requires me to actually have a comfort break as they call it nicely. Right. You
need to go to the low. You need to have a coffee or just, just stretch your legs
because it's just boring sitting in a car for five hours. Let's be honest. So
yeah, just try to see whether you can navigate the world in your EV and you'd
be surprised how easy it is. And if you took my previous advice, you're going
to be super comfortable with those rapid charges along the way. And trust me, you
will see loads of ones that you've never seen before, because this is still an
upcoming and vibrant industry and things change all the time constantly. It's,
it's all exciting still. So I think we're in the sort of golden times when it
comes to owning EV. So if you're an EV, new EV owner, welcome. So speaking of
road trips and charging, the other thing that I always suggest to be able to try
is to kind of maximize your EV driving experience. You know, it's surprising how
many people who drive ICE cars, just rev them up because they need, they want that
speed. And trust me, I'm just like everybody else. I, I'm aware of the
speed. This is actually what hooked me, got me into EVs in the first place. It's
a long story. You'd have to listen to some other previous episodes. But you
know, when I test drove the Tesla Model S back in 2014, I think it was, I just, I
was like, yeah, I need to get an EV. This is just the ICE cars are dead, basically.
And even though my, my, you know, diesel car, voxel insignia could smoke the tires
at 70 miles an hour, if I reduced from sixth to fifth, I had loads of torque. EV
just blew it off, blew it away. Like the Nissan LEAF was just felt like so much
more fun, which was hilarious, basically. When I would tell that to people and
try and explain that to them, you'd see the blank stare on their face. How can
this little froggy looking thing be exciting, right? But the, but some of us
got into EVs because we love the power and the, and this is, you know, it's quite
exciting to be able to step on it and just get off the traffic lines or
whatever very quickly. So, but as much as fun that is, you can't really drive like
that for five, six hours because, you know, physics is physics and it will eat into
your range. It's just the way it is. Just like with the ICE cars, it will eat into
your mileage, miles per gallon or whatever. It will eat into your range in
an EV. And because the range of an EV is still smaller or lower than one of ICE
cars, you'll see that quicker. So we don't want that. So like she being able to,
again, put yourself another challenge in front of you and, and get yourself to
actually drive slower or, you know, a bit more conservative is one of those things
that, you know, I always kind of recommend for people. Plus it's more fun.
Like you have a car that actually doesn't make any noise when it
accelerates. It doesn't vibrate, doesn't rattle. Just turn that experience to 11,
right? Try driving in a slow and kind of slow. You don't have to be slow, but you
have to accelerate slower. You have to bring it up to speed slower and then
kind of trying to maintain that speed, anticipate changes up ahead. So don't,
you know, don't drive too close to other people. There's, if it, when it comes to
hypermiling, as it's called, there's so much out there, so much misinformation,
but so much actual information to try. And it's, I think it's as much as I hate
this term, it is, or it should be a common sense to, to see what makes a
difference. And I think it's a challenge that is worth doing because going back
to my previous statement where I said that I like to drive sometimes to, to
Yorkshire. I'm not going to drive to Yorkshire, you know, like overtaking
everybody and just be on the, on the, on the cusp of being the fastest driver on
the road for five hours, because it is going to be tiring. Like, you know, I'm
going there to visit friends and talk to people. I want to be fresh and relaxed.
So I'm just going to put the, the cruise control on the, you know, the one that in
the, in the, in Euro, it actually keeps the distance away from the cars in front of you. And it maintains
the speed and it's just fun. You just sit there 69 miles per hour, put an e-book or a
podcast like mine and just relax or just put the radio on and just chillax, you
know, classic FM, whatever, and every self and just take it off to some overtaking
and then get back to it. Let her, you know, see all the people rushing through and
just be like, whatever, I'll be 10 minutes later, but I'll be relaxed. But when you
were on the shared journeys around the town, you know, by all means, use the
electric power because it's there for you to be used. So I'll be the last person to
say, don't, don't drive, you know, like fun. Obviously, be mindful of other people
and be safe out there. So yeah, try to maximize your EV experience by learning,
you know, other way of driving and because you don't have to shift the gears
and do all the other nonsense. It is actually still fun. It is actually
relaxing because your car doesn't make any rattling noises. So yeah, try driving
differently just to kind of expand your horizons. That's my next hint.
Next one is going to be fun. So just like me, you're off to Yorkshire, right?
You're there. Why did you go there? Well, in my case, it's because there's loads of
EV owners communities out there that are, you know, super fun to see and talk to
people. And as much as I hate big crowds, I actually love small communities and
just be able to talk to people who, you know, when you're, when you're these days
on the internet and you join the forums, there's going to be all sorts of people
out there. People are much friendlier and kind of approachable in person and being
able to just drive somewhere, you know, like that and just see the community. It's
amazing. So I mean, shout out to the Yorkshire EV Club because they're super.
But it could be just your local club. I live in Kent. We have a Kent EV meetup.
There's one in Sussex as well. There's so many of them out there and they're fun.
So yeah, by all means, look up your local EV community. You might not be the sort of
person who likes to talk to other people, but you'll be, you might be surprised how
many people from different walks of lives are in those communities. And sometimes
some of them just show up once, but you might develop some long term relationships.
I do call my Yorkshire EV people friends because, you know, I've been there quite
few times. And the reason I go there is because that's the only time sometimes I
get to see them. So join your local EV community. And on the subject of
communities, every country, you know, we're still at the point where the
legislation isn't there for every EV related things like we still have don't
have things like mandated signage, right? One of the reasons you can see a petrol
station from a distance or you know where they're going to be is because
there's usually signs, you know, it's quite easy to spot one. That's not true
for EV chargers like the there was no universal way to find them. It's way
better than it used to be. But you still have to you still have to use an app or,
you know, or other other way. And that's just not the way I think it should be.
And there's so many more things that need to be done for this experience to be even
better. And this leads me to a suggestion that you should try finding your local
group that actually, you know, does any anything towards lobbying the the
government or your local authorities? And in England, where I live, it's an EVA.
And EVA England, sorry, there's loads of EVAs. It's EV Driver Association of
England. And if you live in England, I suggest joining them if you're not
already a member. There's loads of perks that come with that. You get discounts at
different things. And you know, it changes all the time. So I'm not gonna
gonna tell you exactly what it is because by the time you listen to this,
it might be completely different. But the look it up, I had EVA England CEO on the
podcast before. So go look up the previous episodes with James.
Whatever country you live in, I can guarantee you there's going to be one of
those around. And they do amazing work. You know, one of the reasons we have
contact last Monday to all the charges on the new rapid charges in the UK is
due to them actually doing that work. So you know, meeting with MPs and lobbying
the government. Because otherwise there is no voice from the drivers. It's all, you
know, commercial entities, right? OEMs and charging and oil companies trying to slow
down things. So yeah, I think if you have the money and you have the will, I think
it's a good thing to join something like EVA. Again, look up your local
communities. Just show up once, you know, see what it's like. Show up with kids.
It's usually just people sitting in a car park and then going to a coffee
shop for a little chinwerk. You might find out things if you don't have an EV
yet and you're still on the verge or you're thinking about it.
It's good to see other people and actually with EVs and get the real life
stories out there. So yeah, join the EV community. It's not just about, you know,
sharing sockets and sparking connections. But you know, you might find friends in
there. So yeah, do that. We might meet at the EV community meetup if you are.
If you do, just come and say hi.
Another thing that I don't actually have on my list, but I think it's quite
like not an obvious thing to mention, but EVs are still new, right? As far as
OEMs are concerned and I mean technology is, you know, quite obvious. But the way
to manufacture things on a greater scale is obviously a bit more difficult, right?
So unlike the ICE cars and diesel cars or whatever, where if you bought
yourself a BMW or Audi with 1.6 something litre engine and then you bought
yourself an Opel, whatever, or you know, some other, you know, Fiat or whatever
with the same sort of engine, there's a likelihood that these two cars will
actually drive quite well. Quite similarly, there isn't going to be that
much difference. All the other differences are going to be in the, you
know, the interior, the way you get in the car and how it looks and all that jazz.
But the drivability, the powertrain, the engine is going to be pretty much the
same. That's not exactly true in the world of EVs, right? If you buy yourself
a Kiai Niro like I have and then you buy yourself a Nissan LEAF with the same
size of battery, so 64 kilowatts, those two cars are going to behave
differently. They're going to have different levels of power. They're
going to have a different range. They're going to have a different, you know,
loads of things about the powertrain. They're going to charge in a different
way. This is the one of the things that bugs me these days is, you know, as a
society, we kind of, we pick our cars depending on different factors. But you
kind of have to, if you're still new to this or you haven't bought yourself an
EV, you have to think about it as a person who, you know, looks at it from the
other, the perspective I just mentioned, the fact that, you know, they're all
going to be slightly different under the hood. And that's probably, that
probably should be your primary concern. I mean, if you bought a car already, no
worries. I'm sure that, you know, all EVs are amazing. Like, so, you know, they
share a lot of same characteristics, but the, as far as efficiency goes and the
speed of charging and all that, it's all going to be different. So it kind of bugs
me these days when you read in a newspaper or just newspaper online,
scaremongering acticles saying, oh yeah, you know, I got myself EV and I got
stranded somewhere because EVs are terrible. It's the analogy that I always
give people is like, it's like buying yourself an Android phone from, you know,
AliExpress, being disappointed with it and just saying, oh yeah, all mobile
phones are crap. So don't buy an iPhone or whatever, you know, greatest
Android phone is because they're all equally crap. That's just, that's just
nonsense, right? I think we can all see that. So just be mindful of that, that the
EVs are still different and that's a good thing. The industry is still
vibrant and kind of growing and, you know, developing. So there's still those to
change and to kind of get better. Don't get me wrong, we're, you know, we're at
amazing stage but there's still loads more to come. So just be mindful of that.
Your EV will have loads of great things that you love about it, you know, if you're
a fan of a particular brand. But that doesn't mean that, you know, all the
downsides of your EV are shared with other EVs. Just be mindful of that.
So as we power down today's episode, just let's remember that reaching 1
million EVs in the UK is a milestone that deserves a standing ovation, I think.
And honking over horn, let me see if I have a...
There we go, that was very cheesy. And the journey ahead, you know, is charged with
potential. And it's all very exciting part of a, you know, and welcome to the
exciting transition. I think it's amazing. Whether you're, you know, already an EV
driver or thinking about it, becoming one, you're part of a movement that's bigger
than all of us. And if you have any questions, these parts of insight or just
want to share your journey, you know, just reach out on social media or email. Again,
take it EV@gmail.com. And until next time, keep your batteries charged and your
spirits high!
Well, so thank you for turning into Take EV, listening to this episode. My name is
Greg, it was awesome to have you. Don't forget to subscribe, share, give us a
spark of feedback, send that email please, and drive safely, charge efficiently and
let's accelerate towards a sustainable future together. Catch you on the next
episode where we'll be, you know, having another conversation about EVs or I might
have some exciting guests. So you'll never know, you might listen to next
episode and find something interesting or learn something new. Or I might just
respond to your email. So see you later, bye!