Conversation with Swarco Charging business Managing Director, Justin Meyer. 
We dive into many subjects related to deploying and running rapid charging infrastructure. And also speak about the latest Dundee developments , including their new charging hub. 
  • (00:00) - Timestamp: 172800000
  • (03:47) - Teasing Dundee site
  • (05:05) - What metrics do CPOs use to measure success?
  • (08:00) - Swarco's portfolio
  • (11:42) - What usual frustrates new users
  • (15:51) - Can we restrict slow chargring ?
  • (22:38) - Swarco branded chargers
  • (24:44) - What's the best way to encourage more installations?
  • (26:26) - What is the ROI for a site?
  • (29:32) - What is the sweet spot as to the site size?
  • (33:40) - Challenges in expanding the network
  • (39:12) - Is chip shortage still relevant in speed sites are deployed?
  • (41:10) - Is site reliablity something that we will see improving? Scottland and rest of the UK
  • (46:20) - Do you think hardware is getting better, fast enough?
  • (51:44) - Investment and growth at Swarco
  • (55:30) - Improvements in safety and security
  • (01:02:55) - Smarter signage
  • (01:04:04) - Dundee Hub
  • (01:09:00) - What about other councils?
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  • Boggratt
  • Andrew Till
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