Phil's new car, trip report and look into the future

Phil's new car, trip report and look into the future

Phil is back, with new car. Refreshing look from an EV driver's perspective on PHEVs, practical sides, upsides and downsides. We talk about batteries, future, and what we think is going on currently on the market.  Model 3 is out, but we will reserve that chat till next episode.  keywords: PHEV, car, cars, electric cars, tesla, nissan leaf, outlander, mitsubishi, EV, electric vehicle, model Y, model 3, future, batteries, AI, electric highway
Phil is back, with new car. Refreshing look from an EV driver's perspective on PHEVs, practical sides, upsides and downsides.

We talk about batteries, future, and what we think is going on currently on the market. 


Model 3 is out, but we will reserve that chat till next episode. 

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  • Boggratt
  • Andrew Till
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